Frequently Asked Questions about
Madison Park Homeowners Association, Inc.
1. Is Madison Park Homeowners Association, Inc. a corporation for profit?
No, it is a non-profit corporation under the laws of North Carolina.
2. What should I do if I wish to change the color of my home or fence, add a fence,
make a substantive change in my landscape plan, add an awning or, in general, wish
to change the exterior of my home and lot?
Send an email to All requests must be made in writing via an Architecture Request Form (located on the MPHOA tab above; password required) and documented by providing a drawing or illustration accompanied by samples or colors and whatever might be necessary so that the Architectural Review Committee will have an explicit understanding of your request. The committee will review your request and respond accordingly. Please submit your request well in advance of any expected start date. We recommend you have a conversation with the ARC Chair in advance of submission to discuss turn-around time.
3. What type of insurance is maintained by Madison Park Homeowners Association, Inc.?
The Association maintains both property damage and liability coverage for Association property in common spaces and the official activities of association executives.
4. What is maintained by Madison Park Homeowners Association, Inc.?
The common areas include the Strickland Rd. entrance, Verandah Park (Park Homes Park), Society Park (gazebo), Brookside Park (fountain), Monument Lane Median, the thirty foot buffer behind Lots 1-27 and the common space behind Lots 28-37. In general, the association maintains the grass, shrubbery, trees, flowers, low voltage lighting, irrigation, and private streets and alleys in these common areas.
5. Who and how should I contact someone regarding a maintenance request or question?
Contact Richard Weale, Chair, Madison Park Maintenance Committee regarding common area lights or irrigation or other neighborhood maintenance concerns. For maintenance of streets, sidewalks, storm drains or street lights contact the appropriate party listed under Important Community Numbers
6. If I have an issue or question concerning Madison Park, to whom should my question or issue be addressed?
Questions on the budget, dues, neighborhood covenants, or by-laws can be addressed by any of the current board members of the Madison Park Homeowner’s Association. If for some reason, the answer provided by the board member does not fully address your concern, you are welcome to present your request in person to the board for review and response. The board meets regularly and will review any outstanding issues.
7. Are Pets Allowed in the the park areas?
The short answer is yes, but for the health and happiness of our residents, pets are not permitted to use our parks as bathrooms. The parks are for the enjoyment of our residents. Most importantly, it is an expected courtesy that everyone pick-up after their pets, and in no way should pets wander the neighborhood unleashed.
8. What are the assessments and how are they paid?
The semi-annual assessment is $594.00. The assessment is to be paid by the 10th day of January and July each year. Your payment is payable to Madison Park HOA and may be mailed to the following address:
Madison Park Homeowners Assn., Inc.
P. O. Box 58243
Raleigh, NC 27658-8243
If you have any questions regarding your assessments, please contact the Association Treasurer.
9. Can vehicles be parked in the buffer areas?
As detailed in the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Article VIII, Sections 10 and 15), no vehicles including trailers and boats may be parked in the Common Area (including alleyway buffers) or within the right-of-way of any street or adjacent to the Property. Parking of guest cars is permitted on Madison Park Lane during the day, but not in front of any homes overnight. Overnight parking on Madison Park Lane is only permitted along the trees adjacent to the office park.
10. When I have overnight guests, where should they park?
Overnight guests may park on the pads located behind each homeowner’s garage. Overnight parking is also permitted on Madison Park Lane only along the trees adjacent to the office park. Overnight parking in front the homes is not permitted at any location within Madison Park. Residents are asked not to park on community streets for prolonged periods during the day.
Important phone numbers:
City Street Maintenance (919) 831-6446
Garbage & Recycling (919) 831-6890
News & Observer Circulation (919) 829-4700
NON-emergency Police (919) 831-6311
Poison Center (800) 848-6946
Progress Energy Repairs (800) 419-6356
PSNC Repairs (Gas) (877) 776-2427
Sidewalk Repairs (919) 890-3031
Streetlight Outage & Repair (919) 508-5400
Water Service & Repairs (919) 250-2737